Category: Journey to Wellness

  • I Tried Jump-Roping 1,000 Times a Day with a Twisted Spine

    I Tried Jump-Roping 1,000 Times a Day with a Twisted Spine

    A challenge surfaced a few years ago that caught my attention. It was straight-forward and delightfully simplistic: Jump rope 1,000 times each day for a week, adding an additional 100 jumps each following day. By Day 7, you should be jumping between 1,600 to 1,700 times. YouTube in particular was filled with transformation stories about…

  • Sleeping with a Twisted Spine

    Sleeping with a Twisted Spine

    Sleep is such a fundamental part of maintaining mental and physical wellness, and on paper, falling asleep and staying asleep seems like it should be pretty straight-forward! However, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, around 50-70 million Americans struggle with a sleeping disorder; a third of American adults report not getting enough…

  • Motivation with a Twisted Spine

    Motivation with a Twisted Spine

    When you first start working out, the initial enthusiasm is powerful . . . but it only lasts so long. This is true for everyone: At some point in your fitness journey, you may find yourself losing motivation for a variety of reasons. You could be bored with your regular workout. You may be missing…

  • I Tried Tai Chi with a Twisted Spine

    I Tried Tai Chi with a Twisted Spine

    Tai chi is something I’ve seen all over the place – in movies, TV shows, my local parks, novels – but never really understood. Having done yoga in the past, I noticed several shared principles between the two exercises. Both focus on building strength and balance through fluid, controlled motion and are excellent low-impact exercises…

  • Tips for the Twisted Cyclist

    Tips for the Twisted Cyclist

    Ever since I learned how to ride a bike as a child, it has been one of my favorite outdoor activities. I got my first bike when I was in elementary school, and I have countless memories of early-evening bike rides around my neighborhood, feeling the cool night air race by and listening to the…

  • I Tried Competitive-Style Swimming with a Twisted Spine

    I Tried Competitive-Style Swimming with a Twisted Spine

    I am on a quest! I want to find as many new forms of exercise as possible and give them a try. Working out can be so much fun if you find something that you love, and those of us with scoliosis can especially definitely benefit from expanding our net to find new activities are…

  • I Tried Kickboxing with a Twisted Spine

    I Tried Kickboxing with a Twisted Spine

    I’m always on the lookout for new forms of exercise, not only for the want of strengthening my body and improving my fitness but also for adding a little spice to my everyday life! The area near where I work is a popular spot for health- and wellness-related businesses: a stretch clinic, organic and plant-based…

  • Tips for the Twisted Hiker

    Tips for the Twisted Hiker

    Hiking is one of my most favorite forms of activity! My older sisters and I loved to pile into the early-2000s Nissan Pathfinder and ride off to find a spectacular waterfall or sweeping landscape at the end of a good, long trail. Some of my fondest memories are all of us singing along to Disney…

  • Kneeling Chairs for the Twisted Spine 

    Kneeling Chairs for the Twisted Spine 

    I am a chronic sloucher. I slouch at my work desk, at the dinner table, in my car, even while simply standing. Part of the reason behind this bad habit is self-consciousness carried over from when I was young. Growing up, when you stand head-and-shoulders taller than most of the other students in your year,…

  • Tips for the Twisted Rower

    Tips for the Twisted Rower

    When I showed up to my first guided workout class, I was – much to my relief – familiar with the majority of the equipment in the room: the treadmill, the rack of weights, the workout benches, the TRX straps, and the Bosu ball. However, at the age of twenty-five and with little formal gym…

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